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Small Town. Company Town.		
Dick Swerdfeger

"I got my first real paying job in the Silvery San Juan's with Idarado in the early 1960's as an engineer. I was very excited. I arrived in town on May 1st during mud season. I pulled into Liberty Bell Village and immediately other miners began unloading my car. Thought this was a very friendly community."

Went to Rose Victorian Market for a few grocery essentials and a woman named Grace Brewer was the cashier. As my wife and I checked out, she said, "You must be the new engineer." "How did you know that," I replied. "We saw you drive through town. We knew you were coming," she claimed.

Next, went to the Busy Corner Pharmacy, where Sunshine Pharmacy is now located and had a similar experience as the pharmacist welcomed the "new Idarado engineer" to town.

It felt like it was a big event to have a new person move to town, very welcoming too.
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